1. School fee will not be accepted without bringing this card. A cost of Rs. 50/- will be charged for the duplicate card if original has been lost.

2. The fee should be paid quarterly by the 10th of the month, i.e April, July, October and January. After the due date Rs. 5/- will be charged per day.

3. The student whose name has been struck-off may be re-admitted only after the signatory power of the Principal on the payment of Rs. 1000/- as re-admission fee.

4. The name of the student will be struck-off who remains absent consecutively for five days without prior information & may be readmitted similarly as specified in point no.3.

5. Submission of fee by cheque should be in favor of “JKG. International School Ghaziabad”. Once cheque in dishonoured, Rs. 500/- will be charged as penalty.

Timings: 8.00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M.