With the dawn of revolution in information, communication and technology there has been an exemplary shift in educational pedagogy which has had an epoch-making impact on the process of learning. Keeping in pace with the present scenario we aim to make education an ever-evolving process where children first imbibe the values and then adapt and then create a path for life-long learning. Our educational system on 3 E’s To Enthuse our students through an exciting methodology and curriculum , To Enlighten them just not on what text book imparts but also what the world as a school imparts and To empower every child with skills to grow into a confident, sensitive and responsible global citizen. The strategically designed tutoring teaches them how to rediscover themselves, how to evaluate their veracity, how to move from concrete to abstract and how to look at problem from new direction-Besides academic excellence, the school gives ample of opportunities to students to explore their innate propensity and skills by participating in co-curricular activities which is reflected by the honours and accolades brought by JKGians in these areas. WE at JKG are committed towards orienting our young scholars to be skilled, holistically formulated personalities who in turn may inspire future generations and make us proud by their commendable contribution to the society. So, we as responsible mentors provide our children a stimulating environment where they could get the coverage to follow their dreams and transform it into reality.
I earnestly believe that a committed & supportive management, dedicated teachers, caring and co-operative parents blend harmoniously to create a child-centered learning. I am sure through collaborative efforts we can achieve more to benefit our students who are the future leaders of tomorrow.
Best Wishes!
Varun Gaur